Linking Lives

High Street Baptist Church - Tring

Tring Linking Lives


We are sorry to be unable to accept any new referrals at the moment. However, our regular groups are open to new people and no booking is required. Click on the midweek groups image to find out more.

Who we are

Tring Linking Lives is a befriending service aimed at those of any age who find themselves requiring some extra friendship and support.

We operate in Tring and the surrounding villages. We match volunteers with people who would like to see or hear from a friendly volunteer visitor on a regular basis for around one hour, and perhaps go out for short outings to local places of interest.

We are a Christian charity based in High Street Baptist Church in Tring but our service is for those of all faiths or none. We welcome volunteers and friends from any background to help us in our work in Tring and the surrounding area.

We are franchised partners of Linking Lives UK, a national charity.

We operate in Tring and the surrounding villages in Hertfordshire and those parts of Buckinghamshire with easy access to Tring. We offer a three-tier befriending service for people of any age who would benefit from friendship or extra support.

All our volunteers receive full training for the activities they undertake and are subject to enhanced DBS checks.

Find out more about Linking Lives UK

Loneliness and social isolation

Many people find themselves alone or are isolated. This can be due to illness or disability, bereavement, family moving away, coming to a new area, or any change in lifestyle. People can be lonely or isolated at any stage of their lives.
Sometimes people don’t get out as much as they would like or see as many people as they would like to. Sometimes people can be working, with busy lives, but don’t have the social connections they need.

We are seeking to reconnect people with the lives they had or help them to find the lives they wanted to have.

What we do

Telephone Support
We are a friendly voice on the end of a phone, available for a chat.

Home Visiting
We can provide someone who will visit you in your home, who will listen, take an interest and become your friend; they may take you out, if you would like this.

Local Outings
We provide opportunities for you to get out and mix with others. These include coffee mornings, lunch clubs, games afternoons, visits to local pubs or garden centres, trips to local beauty spots and nature reserves, sports and pastimes.

Can you help?

We need help with the following areas. If you are interested, please contact the Tring Linking Lives office.

  • Volunteer visitors
  • Telephone volunteers
  • Fundraisers
  • Help running events
  • Financial support/donations

Get in touch

If you would like someone to visit you, or know someone who you would like to refer to Tring Linking Lives, please do get in touch using the details below or email us directly using the form to the right.

Phone: 07906 597882.


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Tring Connections

If you would like to find out more about community groups in Tring and the surrounding areas, visit Tring Connections.